Grant Portal FAQs
Transition to Grant portal
Where do I start in this new system?
Click here to watch the video on how to set a new password.
Click here to download the user guide on how to set a new password.
Click here to watch the video on how to register as a new user.
Click here to download the user guide on how to register as a new user.
If you had an account in our old portal, click “Forgot Password?” and refer to the FAQ on “How to I set my password if I’m an existing grantee?”.
If you did not have an account in our old portal, refer to the FAQ “How do I register as a new user. Please note: a new user is someone who has never accessed a grant portal before (old or new), including those from organizations that have never received a COSF grant before.
What does everything mean in this new grant portal?
Click here to watch the video about your SmartSimple Grant Portal Introduction.
Click here to download the user guide about your SmartSimple Grant Portal Introduction.
Our grant portal has a completely new look to it. To learn about what each section means, and how to access your applications and reports, you can either watch the video or read about them in the accompanying user guide.
How do I register as a new user?
Click here to watch the video on how to register as a new user.
Click here to download the user guide on how to register as a new user.
To begin registration as a new user, click the “REGISTER IF NEW USER” button on our grant portal homepage. The how-to guide and accompanying video will provide you with step-by-step instructions. Please note: you only need to register as a new user if you did not have access to our old grant portal or if you are new to your organization.
How do I register as a new organization?
Click here to watch the video on how to register a new organization.
Click here to download the user guide on how to register a new organization.
To begin registering a new organization, begin by clicking the “REGISTER IF NEW USER” button on our grant portal homepage. The how-to guide and accompanying video will provide you with step-by-step instructions. Please note: you only need to register your organization if you have never applied for a COSF grant before.
How do I set my password if I am an existing grantee?
Click here to watch the video on how to set my password if I’m an existing grantee
Click here to download the user guide on how to set my password if I’m an existing grantee.
On our grantee portal homepage, click the button that’s labeled “Forgot password?” Enter your email, click the “I am not a robot” button, and hit “Submit”. You will then be sent a link to set and change your password.
How do I submit an application?
Click here to watch the video on how to submit applications.
Click here to download the user guide on how to submit applications.
To submit an application, on the grant portal homepage, click the “Apply Now” button under the applications section of your grantee portal home. The how-to guide and accompanying video will provide you with step-by-step instructions to completing both pre-applications and full applications.
I see that there’s a “collaborator invitation” field in my application. What does this mean and how do I use it?
Click here to watch the video on how to invite collaborators.
Click here to download the user guide on how to invite collaborators.
You now have the ability to invite other people to enter information on your application before submitting it, aka you can invite “collaborators.” The how-to guide and accompanying video will provide you with step-by-step instructions on how to invite collaborators to your application.
I received an invitation to collaborate on an application. I’m not sure what it means, or what to do.
Click here to watch the video on how to accept a collaborator invitation.
Click here to download the user guide on how accept a collaborator invitation.
Applicants now have the ability to invite collaborators to help complete applications. If you have received an email with an invitation to collaborate, click the link to either accept or decline this invitation. If you accept, the how-to guide and accompanying video will provide you with step-by-step instructions on next steps. Please note: if you accept an invitation to collaborate, you will need to register to the organization that has invited you AND you will need to create a new user account if you do not have one.
How do I fill out my budget information in my application?
Click here to watch the video on how to complete your budget information in your application.
Click here to download the user guide on how to complete your budget information in your application.
To complete your budget information, go to the tab in your application labeled “Revenue and Expenses.” At the top, you will see a section labeled “Budgets” with a blue button underneath labeled “$ Click here to enter the budget.” Click that button. The how-to guide and accompanying video will give you step-by-step instructions on how to fill out your budget information.
How do I update my contact information or my organization’s profile?
Click here to watch the video on how update contact or organization information.
Click here to download the user guide on how to update contact or organization information.
To update you contact information, log into your portal and click the circle icon at the upper right (it should have your first initial in the circle). There, you can click either “Personal Profile” to update your personal information, or “Organization Profile” to update your organization’s information.
I received an email saying that revisions have been requested. What does that mean and how do I access these revisions?
Click here to watch the video on how to revise an application if requested by COSF.
Click here to download the user guide on how to revise an application if requested by COSF.
COSF staff can now request revisions and edits to applications and reports once we receive them through the new grant portal. This means that if we have questions regarding an application or report, or if we need additional information this will be handled through the portal. To access these revisions, log into the portal and click the tile labeled “Revisions Requested.” There, you will see your application or report that needs revisions. Click on the report or application, and at the top, you will see a notification that details the revisions needed. Once you’ve provided edits, click “Save Draft,” then click “Submit Revisions.”
I have a report due soon, how do I submit it?
Click here to watch the video on how to submit a report.
Click here to download the user guide on how to submit a report.
To submit a report, log into your portal and head to the section labeled “Reports.” Click the tile labeled “To Be Submitted.” Find the report that needs to be submitted, click “Open”, and fill out the information requested. When you’re ready to submit, click “Submit” at the bottom.
What browser should I use to access the grant portal?
We recommend using the most updated version of Edge, Chrome or Safari.
I’ve clicked “Forgot Password?” and it’s been over 5 minutes and I haven’t received an email. I checked my spam folder and it isn’t there either. What should I do?
Please email for assistance.
I registered as a new user but received an alert stating, “A user matching the information you entered already exists.” What should I do?
You either had an account in our old system and we created an account for you or you or someone else from our organization have already created an account in our new system. Click OK and go to homepage by clicking the logo in the upper-left corner. Then click “Forgot Password?” to access the existing account and set your password.
I am getting error messages when I try to submit my Organization Profile and/or application. How do I fix these errors?
If any section of your Organization Profile or application is incorrect or incomplete, you will receive a red error message that prevents submission. Refer to instructions at the top on what is missing and/or incomplete. Click on the missing item list to return to the section(s) that need to be corrected. You will be allowed to submit your application and/or Organization Profile once all errors have been addressed. Email if you are not able to resolve the error messages on your own.
I am getting an error message when I try to upload attachments. How do I complete my upload?
Refer to the red error message, if it says your files cannot be uploaded, refer to the section you are completing to follow the correct file format or additional instructions. Before closing the File Manager, click the “X” on the red line to delete the file first.
How do I change my email address while still work at the same organization?
To update your email, log into your portal and click the circle icon at the upper right (it should have your first initial in the circle). There, you can click “Personal Profile”. Click “Save” to complete the update.
What if it says there is another user in the record?
If you are trying to update an application or report at the same time as another user, please wait to complete edits at a later time. We recommend you log out of your account and return when you will not lose any work.
How do I update my password for my account?
To update your password, log into your portal and click the circle icon at the upper right (it should have your first initial in the circle). There, you can click “Change Password”, then complete the password guidelines. Click “Save” to complete the update.